Presentation Formats
Oral presentations
Oral presentations will be 10-minute talks in themed sessions. The themes of sessions will be determined by the distribution of abstract across the different specialties. All oral sessions will be live-streamed for online attendees with session moderators curating questions and feedback from both in-person and online attendees. Speakers will be given the option of delivering their talk in person or remotely.
Poster presentations and Lightning Talks
Posters: The maximum size of a poster is A0 (portrait) or A1 (landscape). Note, we cannot accommodate landscape A0. The session schedule will be available in the coming days. Please keep an eye on your inbox for further information.
All posters will be hung in the poster hall. If you are attending virtually, please contact to coordinate printing and displaying of your poster with the conference organizers. For those attending in-person, posters will be set up in the library atrium. The poster hall will be open before the icebreaker (16:00 – 17:00) on the 21st and from 8:30 AM on the morning of the 22nd of June.
Lightning Talks: You will be given 60 seconds to present no more than 2 slides advertising your poster. If multiple abstracts were accepted as Lightning Talks, each abstract will be allotted a dedicated 60-second slot. Lightning Talks should focus on the key findings of your work. Note, to ensure smooth running of the programme, timing will be strictly adhered to.
IMPORTANT: Please email your slides to by Sunday the 19th of June. We will collate these into a single slide show for each batch of flash talks, so please make these compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint run on Windows with a (16:9) aspect ratio. Please embed fonts if you want to use anything non-standard and include your surname and abstract number in the filename.
If you wish to opt-out of a lightning talk, please let us know via email at by Sunday 19th June.
Panel sessions
The conference will also host panel discussions centred around established research topics, which will include a keynote presentations and relevant flash presentations.